About Me
I'm a solar physicist, science communicator and author, currently working at the National Solar Observatory in Boulder, Colorado. I'm working to pursue the mysteries of the Sun at the forefront of modern solar physics research, using cutting edge telescopes on the ground and in space.
In addition to my scientific work, I strive to share the wonders of the Sun and space with the public, through social media (65k+ followers), museums and observatories, and on television and radio. My first book, 'The Sun: beginner's guide to our local star', is available everywhere now.
I am also an avid hiker, nature photographer, and skier, perhaps because the mountains take me closer to the Sun.

My astrophotography highlights gallery (top left - bottom right): Waxing Gibbous Moon. Orion Nebula (through research-grade UCL telescopes), moments before Annular Solar Eclipse (Texas, USA), Solar Orbiter launch (Cape Canaveral, USA), Lunar Eclipse/Blood Moon (Holmbury St Mary, UK), Milky Way Galaxy (Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA), my first Aurora (Svalbard, Norway).